
Monday, December 17, 2012


Do I really, really have this much time in my hands or am I just a super shiteous employee? That's right, cue the pointy fingers and point them, oh you point them until the whole ordeal gets too pointless for pointing. How pointy is the tip of the sword of a swordfish? Never mind.

I'm taking the time to compile another CD for the Waj-diggity. Taking the time? No, couldn't be. Time was given without my even asking for it. Hence I'm USING this time and simultaneously appearing stupider than stupid. No scratch that. Restart. 

I've been using a good amount of time catching up on things only accessible through this 14inch of a screen. Reading, mostly. Finding out, reading. It's weird, cause it's as though I'm slowly becoming smart again. Smarter that my stupid radio self. Just smarter than stupid, in truth. 

Let's go away now. Ever wondered how our liking for songs has swayed so much over the years. I have, and I know it's weird. Weird, in a good way, I'd say. Weird, in a quite eccentric kinda way, some might say.

It's weird, because we reject the mainstream in hopes that there is something more. There IS, and always will be something more, hence we search...and sometimes we find those lil gems in the rough. No diamonds. A "diamond" is merely part of human nomenclature. Let's stick with gems for now. Because we have hopes for something more. Always. 

But that's a diamond you hold in your grubby hands..that's a diamond alright, my friend! 
Oh I wish I believed you, friend. 

Watched Life of Pi last week. Touched my heart in many soft places, but I guess you can never be fully satisfied with a screen adaptation of a book you've read 3 times, even more so when it's one of your favourites of all time and you know it all by heart. No blind Frenchman conversation, but I'm glad they featured the freak island. It may seem like the whole piece is just a page-filler - a separate, completely irrelevant, hallucinated and deluded entity - but wait, there has to be meaning to this! An island that welcomes you with refuge and rest, but kicks you out just in time before it eats you up? It's saying, "don't you get comfortable now. Move on, sail away, great things await. Go!" 

It's the idea of settling for something you think is good, abandoning the notion that there could be something better. How then, do we know if what we have in our grubby hands now is a rare, blazing piece of rock we call a diamond?